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Megiddo, Palestine

here. Dr. Fisher is head of the expedition, which is one of the various Breasted expeditions financed by John D. Rockerfeller Jr.

A room on the second floor looking east across the great plain is given to me. Before me lies Mt. Tabor and Little Hermon, with the great opening to the Jordan River, to the right. One can see right through beyond Jordan, to the mountains of Moab, and understand at a glance why this should be the great highway of old, the easiest passage to and from Damascus and to and from Egypt. So by this passage came and went the conquering armies of old - wherefore Armageddon.

To the left of Mt. Tabor rise the hills of Galilee and as
-cont. p. 302.-
Apr. 4, 1926.

-No. 11,100. Gladiolus agetium Gaul. [crossed out] allepicus Boiss.
Perianth parts consisting of 3 obovate segments above and 3 ovate segments below, the latter more abruptly narrowed to the claw than the former and with a central whitish nerve at the middle. Perianth a beautiful pink - Stigmas 3, expanded upward gradually but distinctively. Anthers longer than filament. Stamens 3. Axis of receme flexuous. Grain fields.

-No. 11,011. Bupleurum protractum Link & Hoffm. (B. subovatum Post)
Flowers pale yellow, margins of grain fields.

-No. 11,102. Fumaria micrantha Lag. Sepals round-ovate, dentate. Flowers pink.
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