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Alexandria to Cairo

As we went on the three increases in number, though always scattered and never making a grove - though the date trees sometimes make a real grove. Some groves of dates must be very old - since so very tall.

No peasant lives on his land apparently but all live together in little villages of mud houses or brick huts. They stand closely together. There are no gardens attached to them - because the village occupies very little of the valuable soil space. Everywhere one sees women with water jars on their heads, or sometimes other burdens. The women work in the fields as well as the [?]. the man plows attired in his gown which reachers to his shoe-tops, or hem ay be and most often is bare-foot. The
Jan. 31. 1926

villages look very unclean and unattractive in every way. THey suggest some sort of animal or bee hives - but not nearly so neat as an animal's. One sees wonderfully well the life of the people; men going to market with loads of oranges, produce and green hay.

We arrives in Cairo. The first day, or what remains if it, is largely spent in getting settled in a hotel. The second day is largely spent in doing nothing - except that in the afternoon we take tea with Professor Breasted, the Oriental scholar, at the Hotel Semiranis. He has a manuscript from the tombs of the valley of the Kings which is of 1700 B.C. It is a treatise on anatomy and shows the author of it to have been actuated by a scientific spirit. A man falls from a height; his 5 cervical vertebra (he knows there are 5)
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