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walking to the middle of it and surveying the splendors which are visible from this point - I counted no less than 11 magnificent mosques. Besides there was the play of life in the Bosphurus and the Horn itself - the [smale] craft. the fishing boats with their curious sails, the strange merchandize, the tide of asiatic humanity across the bridge - all this seemed to tell me I stood on the threshold of the opulent and colorful East.

One thing always stands out in the East - the cheapness of human labor. One sees occasionally in the narrow streets a team or _span] of buffaloes with their curious curved horns - but not many. Not
Jan. 26, 1926

many horses wither. The chief freighters are men. These men carry enormous loads. They have a sort of straw pannier or [pade] which fits the middle of the back. The packing box [make] lies on this and the shoulders. Bending over like a true beast of burden they move through the crowds which file from side to side the narrow streets, balancing with the upmost precision the load whatever it be - a huge box, a bale of hay, a straw hamper of fruit, an article of furniture and so on. Some of the burdens seemed very heavy. Dr. Gates told me that he has seen an upright piano carried in the streets in this way. These burden bearers often move in strings like our loaded pack mules in the west. These men
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