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Algiers, N. Africa

huge hewn blocks of stone. We followed an arched passageway which runs entirely round the circular monument and ends in a sort of burial chamber which seems near the center but is much off center. The passageway is about the level of the ground. From this hill one can look over a fertile valley plain which lies between the low coast hills and the Atlas Mountains behind. It is an extensive area of farming land. Along the coast on sandy spots grows little groves of a low pine - 2 needles, small narrow peduncled cones which persist on the tree a long time. There were a few other species of low trees with them - trees with broad leaves.
Jan 18, 1926

Here in Algiers we saw great numbers of Arabs dressed in their usual garb, the women with the face veiled. As far as my inspections could discern they had no beauty to hide.

Mr. Philips had at one time for a period of ten years a farm in the plateau country. It would have been highly profitable to raise table grapes for the Algiers market - since they will come in 2 or 3 weeks early - but the Arabs eat them up. Their appetite is insatiable, their capacity illimitable. When the rare occasion comes that an Arab can eat all he wants he goes to it - not for pleasure, not to satisfy appetite - but to fill up like a camel for a long period of famine.
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