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Madeira Islands

flowers; shrubs 10 to 15 ft. h.

In the Municipal Garden there was Hibiscus, Coleus, Loquat, Poinsettia, Cocos plumosa, Camellias, Araucaria excelsa which becomes a tall fine tree, Schinus mulle, Strelitzia, Phoenix canariensis and Magnolia.

The cultivated plants are Musa, Sweet Potato, vitis vinipra and Sugar Cane and Pumpkins. The latter are trained on trellis, with the fruits lying on the tops of the houses.

We also see Mimosa, Cestrums, Cupressus (lusitanica) and a conifer that sheds its branchlets like a Redwood. It is probably and Araucaria (see no. ) and is very dense headed.

Euphorbia (no. ), apparently E. peplus grows
Jan. 14, 1926

in garden walks, as also a Parsley. Platanus orientalis is a common tree along the streets.

All freighting is done on sleds pulled by [bulluchs] or sometimes by mules. These sleds are also fitted up as "carriages" for ladies, with cushioned seats - and often painted or decorated gaily.

Motor cars are here - used by tourists or the wealthy.

Callasare grown and are sold to the tourists as a rarity - through growing freely as in california.

In the Municipal Garden I saw a low shrub, euphorbioid, with the leafy stems ending in long trusses of small but brilliant dark-red flowers; five round bracts surrounding
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