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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Silver Valley, Alpine Co., 7300 ft.
Gilia no. 10,099. capillaris
- Leaves narrow but expanded.
- Foliage more ample
- Herbage densely glandular.
- Calyx-lobes acicular, cuspidate, or linear and cuspidate.
- Calyx-tube oblong, the scarious intervals interrupted by a sharply defined green nerve
- Cor. throat broadly clavate.
- Cor. limb 1 line broad.
- Style about midway of cor. lobes.
Gilia capillaris Kell. no. 10,099
Cor. pale blue or whitish
- Anthers blue.
Gilia No. 10,093. leptalea
- Leaves acicular
- Foliage scant.
- Herbage thickly glandular.
- Calyx-lobes subulate or narrow lanceolate, acuminate.
- Calyx-tube narrow-elliptic, the scarious intervals indefinitely interrupted by pale greenish-yellow nerves.
- Cor. throat funnelform.
- Cor. limb 3 lines broad.
- Style as long as cor. lobes
Gilia leptalea Greene. No. 10,093
- Cor. bright pink.
- Anthers yellow.
Aug. 9, 1923.
- Cont. no. 10,092. Cor. 1 1/8 lines long, the lobes pinkish. Stamens unequal, inserted high, included. Calyx-lobes very unequal, cobwebby above the tubular part of the calyx.
- Cont. 10,095. Three of 5 stamens.
[drawing here]
Very diagramatic representation of no. 10,095, showing the very broad scales "x", ruffled free edge, joined to cor. tube opp. [opposite] ruffle, and standing more or less vertical, joined across lower part of stamen at "a", the stamen continued downward to base of corolla at "b". There is thus a band at base of corolla free of scales. Style cleft half-way. Ovary densely hairy. Lower part of style
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