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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Sonoma Ca_on, Kenwood,
little below the horizontal, the throat is almost at right angles to the short tube. Wings of lower lip pilose in central area.
No. 10,007. Lotus glaber Greene.
Rocky outcrops (L. scoparius Ott.)
No. 10,008. Linum spergulinum Gray. I do not notice any stipular glands to leaves. Sepals with an edge minutely glandular-ciliate!
Petals with a horn-like process at each angle of claw, turned outward and downward; middle appendage oblong, erect, ciliate or hairy. Cor. [corolla] white, slightly pink.
Infl. [inflorescence] paniculate. Petals round, ovate, notched at apex usually, 3 lines long. Stems slightly hairy in the forks. Not glaucous.
c. 800 ft. June 28, 1923. Sonoma Co.
No. 10,009. Godetia ameona Lilja.
Openly wooded hillslope. Cont. p. 23.
No. 10,010. Calochortus amabilis Purdy with 10,009.
No. 10,011. Polygala californica Nutt.
No. 10,012. Euphorbia crenulata Engelm.
No. 10,013. Rosa gymnocarpa Nutt.
No. 10,014. Clarkia unguiculata Dougl.
No. 10,015. Rhus diversiloba leaves with insect attacks.
No. 10,016. Cotyledon laxa B.&.W. var. = Dudleya caespitosa
Cor. [corolla] saffron. Calyx lobes triangular-acute. stems reddish. Fils. [filaments] all equally but not strongly dilated downward, about subulate. The color of the corolla is (cont. p. 23)
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