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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Inverness, February 15, 1900

dead and dry but hand on very long. A willow divests itself of leaves thoroughly.

The trees are a glory and a delight everlasting. I have just collected [] cone of pine which is at least 45 years old and still attached to the trunk.
And the alders. What beautiful clean limbs - all divested of leaves and shining white in the winter sun! And such laurels,
Yours for the green woods,
Willis L. Jepson
February 15, 1900
Laurel at Inverness

In many respects this is one of the most beautiful of California trees. It's foliage is evergreen and very thick. One cannot see through a Laurel Tree. Near Olema there are trees in the rich valley soil which are very high. I have measurements of these in my card catalogue. It is of course [common] along streams but here at Inverness from the south slope of the "first valley" there is the most extraordinary sight to my eyes. I am familiar with the laurel as a boy. It grew
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