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any of the book-stores. But here he came in to my lab. one day, plainly very much agitated. Yes, he wanted to buy a copy. No, he would not accept a free copy. What had he done to be treated in that way, that no copy had been sent him at once? No, he could not and would not accept a copy. No, he must insist on buying a copy. However I finally quieted him and he went away happy and child-like with his presentation copy. He had no part in the book in any way, but he felt entitled to a copy. He was the Emperor Norton of California botany. Eaton, Ferns N. Am. 2:128 speaks of Lemmon's modesty. He _was_ extremely modest in manner but it was a smoke-screen to conceal his push and impecuniousness.
Oct. 1921.
-Professor Arthur de Jaczewski, Director of the Institute of Mycology and Pathology, Petrograd, is here. He is to speak before the meeting of the California Botanical Soc. Sat. eve. A snip-nosed clerk in the President's Office vetoed him because his name ended in "-ski." He is not however a Bolshevist. Altho internationally known as a scientist he is said to be a prince of the old empire and he certainly had a half-million acres confiscated by the Soviets. He pointed out the folly of fiat money and indicated that paper money in Russia was worth more just as paper than the current value of the denominations as money! That is the notes when printed would buy less in the open market than the paper cost to print as money!! He is a very human and likeable gentle-
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