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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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c. 1100 ft. Vallecito, San Diego Co., East of Mason Valley

No. 8562. Chorizanthe
Common on the mesas.

No. 8563. Cryptantha maritima Greene
This borage grows on the dry mesas.

No. 8564. Pectocarya recurvata Jtn.

No. 8565. Nemacladus
Upper lobes lanceolate, somewhat diverging; lower lip with 3 oblong lobes, acute, a brownish-purple spot near the end of the lobe. Fils. distinct over the ovary, united into a tube around the style; anthers spreading star-wise on very short free portions of the fils., spreading or rotate about the capitate stigma. Fls. white. Sepals linear. Wash.

No. 8566. Antirrhinum
Upper lip shortly cleft, its lobes quadratish, truncatish, turned backwards a little so as to approximate back to back; palate very prominent, purple-dotted; lobes lower lip oblong, acutish spread-
15 Apr. 1920.

ing. Climbing by the filiform peduncles. Cor. yellow,--a straw or lemon yellow. Palate (closed portion) short hairy.

No. 8567. Beloperone californica Bth.
Cor. crimson. Lower lip very long, spreading, 3-toothed at apex, the teeth rather large and rounded. Upper lip entire, erect. Somewhat intricately branched shrub or bush rather, 2 to 3 ft. h. Wash. Cont. p. 67.

No. 8568. Lepidium lasiocarpum Nutt.
Dry mesa.

No. 8569. Stylocline micropoides Gray
This gnaphaloid plant grew in washes.

No. 8570. Phacelia distans Bth.
Protection of bushes, etc. and difficult to extricate.

No. 8571.
Rays white. Common.

No. 8572. Malacothrix glabrara
Ligules clear lemon-yellow.

No. 8573. Gilia schottii Wats.
Cor. pale pink; bilabiate.
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8562 8563 8564 8565A 8566 8567 8568 8569 8570 8571 8572 8573
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