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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Sanitarium, Napa Co.

- Sage-brush. An interesting description by Mark Twain in Roughing It, p. 34, Edition of 1872. Chap. 3.
- Dr. Wood says: I have seen deer cropping chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum). No, not the ordinary herbage, but the young shoots. They also eat Black Oak (Quercus Kelloggii) leaves and browse in winter the winter buds.
- Baccharis pilularis Common along Napa River bottom and the low hilltops near the river, opposite Sanitarium.
Sept. 19, 1915.

- Arctostaphylos stanfordiana is killed outright by fire. This is very noticeable along the slope to "Adam and Eve", the Lone Pine ridge on this side of Howell Mt. These shrubs are shallow-rooted. A Canescens_ grows with it and sprouts freely, the young growth in 2 or 3 years beginning to cover the lower part of the skeleton of the shrub. A. manzanita is also killed outright by fire. On the short-cut road from Toland House down to the Sanitarium one sees in the brush the skeletons of these
_ = ? A. glandulosa.
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