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Near S. base Ord Mt.
- Krameria parvifolia Benth.
a comparatively rare plant as compared with individulas of other spp. But common about Ord. ie. relatively to its occurrence in other areas so far as I have noted. Still it is in full & heavy flower which render it comspicuous.
- Salazaria mexicana common about Ord Mt.
- Encelia, no , in washes about Ord Mt.
No. 5935. Thamnosma montanum Torr. &Frem.
Rather common about the south and west base of Ord Mt. fruiting very heavily this year. Smith says this is used in preference to Ephedra as a specific. Bot. Cal. says "rather rare" but it is not in the Ord region. Heavy turpentine odor.
11 May 1914
- Dry lake just south of pass over west end of Ord Mt.
Atriplex canescens, filling a great deal of the lower part of flat, most of it dead or nearly so and looking very blue at a distance.
- Stanleya pinnata Nutt. no. 5937 filling an area of the flat five acres with color. Very handsome round many-stemmed plants, finest I ever saw, 4 to 6 ft. high.
Noon stop: Lulu ate greedily a bush of Franseria dumosa cropping it down to the woody base. Judy ate Amsinckia no. 5834, Devils Lettuce as eagerly. - But it soon developed that Lulu was hungry. See p. 81
- Rodman Mt., black & desolate, looms [bulkily] just directly east of the noon stop in dry lake flat.
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