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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Cajon Pass
really Cajon Ca_on
- Cercocarpus parvifolius to 16. ft. h. - Cajon Pass
- Eriogonum fasciculatum, green form, the only one about San Bernardino.
- The tall wands of the White Sage (Salvia apiana) now in full flower, rise in multitudes everywhere in the mesas and hillsides. They are 5 to 6 and even 8 feet high and with the Yucca Whipplei adorn the entrance to Cajon Pass, the latter species showing its tall white candles everywhere in the river bottom.
May 28, 1914.
- Camped in an ideal spot in the Cajon. The ca_on is a narrow valley here bounded by the chaparral-covered hills. The very gentle slope of the valley in the opposite side, across the river is a flowery garden beautifully and tastefully diversified by shrubs of various species, these latter melting above into the chaparral. We have wood and good grass for the horses. A little streamlet of mountain
water gurgles past, and the quail call contentedly or excitedly in the thickets behind us. Wild grape _
_ Vitis girdiana Munson
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