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Redwood City San Mateo County.

I came down here last night as the guest of Mrs. E.R. Goodwin who_ has a country place called "Redwood Farm."
_ Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Goodwin

No. 5730. Ranunculus californicus Benth. "Green buttercups" in hard adobe soil.

No. 5731. Gilia rattani Gray. Linanthus ambiguus Open on wooded hillslope. = G. ambigua Rattan.

No. 5732. Fritillaria liliacea Lindl. Low foothills on open slope. Perianth almost pure white or a little dull white, the lanceolate spot at the base deep green and glandular, not very sharply defined, running out along or coloring the veins.
Mar. 22, 1914.

"No. 5733. Phacelia divaricata Gray. With No. 5731.

No. 5734. Delphinium variegatum T.&G. Very beautiful in the grass slopes.

No. 5735. Layia gaillardioides (H.&B.) DC. with _5731.

No. 5736. Peucedanum macrocarpum Nutt. Young carpels nearly glabrous, slender; leaf segments fairly large; flowers with bright yellow corolla, the petals glabrous.

No. 5737. Peucedanum dasycarpum T. & G. Young carpels broad, elliptic or soon circular, the body densely white-woolly; leaf-segments very fine, hirsutulose; flowers
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