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Oakland Hills 1500 ft. [feet] [31 Jan. 1914]
noted in the clearings made along the trail:
-Vaccinum ovatum, stump sprouts very numerous.
-Arctostaphylos andersonii, killed outright by the axe, even when cut high up!
One "stump" 4 ft. [feet] high did not sprout! No. 5715.
-Arctostaphylos manzanita, this right along side No. 5717, Castanopsis chrysophylla var. minor.
Stump sprouts very freely.
-Heracleum lanatum.
In a torrential stream bed in sharp canon high up eastern wall of Oakland Hills we found gigantic rootstocks
[Oakland Hills 1500 ft. [feet]] 31 Jan. 1914
in the flood debris on the sharp descent.
They were 8 to 14 or 16 inches long, 2 to full 4 in. [inches] thick! and with "gigantic" scars on upper side, representing stalks of successive season's growth.
They were like elephantine lily of the valley rootstocks. See no. 5716.
No. 5714. Dirca occidentalis Gray.
Stamens 8, exserted, the 4 alt. shorter.
Calyx cleft nearly to base of throat but cleft ending distinctly above base.
Very showy in the bare brush in moist swales near top of ridge on easterly slope.
Calyx lobes erosulate a little.

No. 5715. Arctostaphylos andersonii Gray.
See note on p. 54.
Flowers drooping, but closely and regularly compacted in the cluster
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