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Mohave Desert, Barstow

- On Tuesday there was an election on the desert, the "wets" against the "drys". One would think it were dry enough on the desert already but you have to come to some place like this to learn the twists or progressive [Progressive?] legislation. It was a Supervisor's district election. The wets won 2 to 1, but precincts which voted wet must stay dry if dry already. The drys can force another election any time. But if they had won, the wets could not have had another election under two years!! Quite wonderful, isn't it? With the drys its a case of heads I win. The victory was celebrated in Barstow Tuesday night by a procession of men wearing rain-
8 May 1913

coats and holding up umbrellas! Only men of the desert where it never or rarely rains would have thought of that!!

Barstow to Goffs.

- Dalea spinosa. Saw this from train window somewhere about Cody.
No. 5435. Salvia carnosa Dougl. [Dorii ssp. argentea] Audibertia incana Benth. See p. 69. Dupl. p. 116. New York Mts. Labiate. Upper cor. lip of 2 deeply parted ovate lobes. Lateral lobes of lower lip similar, the middle lobe broader than long, erosulate. Cor. blue. Stamens 2; anthers yellow. Filaments blue, jointed well up, a sharp process or vestige of connective at joint. Fl. parts glabrous except cor.-tube inside. Upper lip calyx very shortly 3-lobed, the lower lip deeply divided between its 2 lobes. Calyx magenta-brown
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