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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Mohave Desert, Barstow
2100 ft.

No. 5430. Stipa speciosa T. & R. Grass. Excellent bunch grass feed on the desert
No. 5431. Eriophyllum wallacei Gray. Comp. see p. 54 cont. Pappus-scales clear white against the black achenes.
No. 5432. Hymenoclea salsola T. & G. Comp.
No. 5433. Lycium pallidum Miers ? L. cooperi? No! = L. pallidum
No. 5434. Lepidium fremontii Wats. Woody based bush 12 to 18 in. high with numerous stems.
7 May 1913

- Bee-Plants. We had Mesquite Honey on the table today. Farris Harris says: "Screwbean Mesquite honey is more abundant than Straightbean Mesquite because the flowering lasts longer, [say two months while the other lasts two weeks?] Honey made from white or blue flowers is clear and white; honey made from yellow or dark yellow flowers is dark. The best honey comes from the White Sage on the coast; it is clearest & whitest. Honey comes from the Greasewood (Larrea mexicana) also but is a poor honey, being rather strong. The plant being so "tremendously" abundant there would be much honey of this species but for the short flowering season. Mesquite is yellow flowered, yes, but not dark yellow."
- Cleomella obtusifolia. Just beginning to come into flower. Miss Waterman calls it "Dove-grass".
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