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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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- Eriogonum caespitosum Mrs. Bruce, Lake City Mt, June 1898. Perianth 1 to 1 1/2 lines long, in age twice as long! as seen in one involucre. Fils. hairy, pilose rather, nearly to apex! Ovary glabrous.
Per. segs. oblong-obovate, rounded at apex. Per. hairy outside towards base. Purpus 5798 White Mts. is same. I do not believe E. andinum Nutt. is good species.
- Eriogonum thomasii Torr Abrams 3152 Calexico. Perianth 1/2 line long, dull or whitish green, outer segs ovate, obtuse, cordate at base, a little contracted above middle; inner segs. oblong, fils. glabrous; ovary glabrous
15 March 1913.
Per. hispidulose outside at base a little. Per. segs. equal. Hall 5899 Chuckawalla on which was based the first draft of the description has not only such flowers as those of Abrams but also old fls. in which the outer perianth segs. have become enlarged and much saccate on each side near base; the inner segs. have become elongated & are oblong, and surpass the outer segs. The perianth at first dull greenish or yellowish, in age becomes white. Per. 1/3 to 1/2 line long, in age twice as long. These flowers in age have a remarkable resemblance to the flowers of E. pharnaceoides, plate 11 in Sitgreave's Rep.
- Parry, Dr. C.C. cf. Parish in Plant World, vol. 12.
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