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Santa Rosa

things but hardly enough to pay for the visit, it seemed to me. Apparently certain things have quite passed out as he has them only at the Sebastopol place. The cacti were there in abundance and we enjoyed these. The most interesting thing shown was a quite prickless blackberry which Burbank put his face down into and rubbed to demonstrate its innocuous character. This was done in a dramatic way, very effectively, and must "take" with the large crowds who come here. As we passed about the garden one or two passersby stopped in the street to look in and
Sept. 14, 1913

catch, if possible, a few crumbs of information. They looked sleepy and inoffensive, but Burbank turned to me and said: "See there, I can't come out here but people begin to gather. There was a regular riot one day and I had to send for the police"! -- What an effect this story would have on an excursion of Shriners or Knights of Columbus visiting his grounds!_
The "Phyto-jogs" the next day, Sunday, Sept. 14, went to Mt. Tamalpais under the guidance of Miss Eastwood and the next day to Monterey where they passed from my charge into that of McDougal for the journey from Carmel to Arizona.
_ These things, it must be understood, are mere foibles of the man. His real value rests permanently on other things; his foibles will be forgotten.
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