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Berkeley to Yosemite

- The International Phyto-Geographical Excursion_ arrived at the Oakland Mole on Sunday morning, Sept. 7. It had been arranged that the party was to go to Mt. Tamalpais for the day but the taking off of the night service to Yosemite necessitated an eleventh hour change of plans and threw out of joint the printed program which I had prepared as Chairman of the California Committee of Arrangements for the excursion. The party consists of:
Dr. Adolf Engler, Berlin
Professor C. von Tuboef, Munich
Professor Carl Schroter, Zurich
Dr. Edward Rubel, Zurich
See vol. 28, p. 1.
Sept. 7-8, 1913

Dr. & Frau. Brockmann-Jerosch, Zurich.
Dr. Ove Paulsen, Copenhagen.
Dr. Geo. E. Nichols, New Haven.
Dr. T.J. Stomps [?], Amsterdam.
Mr. & Mrs. A.G. Tansley, Cambridge, Eng.
Dr. Alfred Dachnowski, Columbus.
Mr. Geo. D. Fuller, Chicago.
Prof. & Mrs. F.E. Clements, Minneapolis.
Prof. H.C. Cowles, Chicago.
The party was in general charge of Cowles. Dr. Skottsberger of Upsala joined party here.
Arrived at El Portal and spent the night, going on early to Yosemite where we arrived about 10:30. Spent some time on the floor of the valley in the immediate neighborhood of the Sentinel Hotel and went on to Mariposa Big Trees at 1:00 p.m. The party enjoyed the ride thro'
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