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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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- Eriogonum watsonii T. & G. as rep. by Purpus 6297. Outer per. segs. ovate, cordate at base, the inner rhomboidal-lanceolate very much smaller every way. Per. glabrous, 1 line long Fils & ovary glabrous
Purpus, Pahroc, Nev.
- Eriogonum rixfordii Stokes Type is a single rather poor plant from Inyo Co. It is too near E. insigne Wats. I should say off-hand; the outer sepals are oblong (narrow), cordate at base, invol. rather broad.

Not represented in Herb. U.C. at this date from Calif.
- Eriog. heracloides
" hookeri
" Kingii
" lemmoni
" flavum
" pharnaceoides [?]
1 Apr. 1913
- Eriogonum grande Greene, type. Fils. only very slightly pub. at base! Less hairy, I think, than the E. nudum of Berkeley Hills.
- Eriogonum nidularium Cov. Perianth glab. 1 line long, outer sigs. flabelliform with incurved sides and truncatish apex; better described as follows: quadrate, dilated at the truncate apex, the sides somewhat incurved; inner segs similar but narrower, fils & scabrous ovary glab. Notes from Heller's 8306 White Mts.
- Eriogonum angulosum. Notes on Brewer 851, Corral Hollow. Outer per. segs. broadly ovate, concave, shortly but very distinctly petioled (= clawed), the
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