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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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- W.H. Lamb, U.S. For. Service, returned from a coll. trip to Humboldt whither he went some weeks ago in quest of Ceanothus. He did not get much at this season. He had Pickeringia in the lot and thought from its spininess that it must be a Ceanothus. It must be very pleasant to travel around at Government expense and have all one's time for a group. Lamb is a pleasant young fellow and I like his ways and his work. He separates Abies shastensis specifically from Abies magnifica but fails to distinguish them without cones, the bract shapes of which he regards as constant. I think he may be right
Oct. 22, 1913.

as to the bracts. On the other hand he says he cannot separate Abies concolor and grandis by the bracts & scales without other material! In this he states my own experience. The deep groove on top of the leaf in A. nobilis he regards as constant and throws my Trinity specimens into A. magnifica.
- Eriogonum, sect. Garrysmya [?]. The latter is a rare Greek word meaning brightness, sheen. Apparently first used by Watson, Proc. Am. Acad. 12:259
- Menzies, A. The only plant which he named, that I recall at this moment, was Abronia arenaria Menzies; Hook. Exot. Fl. 3, pl. 193 (1827). Menzies had been in
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