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- C.S. Sargent is here for a few days. Came into Calif. from the north to S.F., went to Monterey, San Mateo etc. Today I called at the Palace and took him to the Cal. Acad. Sci. He is stoutish, big somewhat Roman nose, heavy lips, full eyes, pointed iron-gray beard & almost white close-cropped hair. He was fairly urbane, the urbanity of the wealthy man, for there is something of the plutocrat in his manner. He wants many things in the way of spms. and readily asks you to go to the ends of the state for them. Miss Eastwood & he greeted like old friends. They indul-
5 Aug. 1913

ged in considerable reminiscence of a personal nature. Miss E. said that she ran into a lot of Jones' plants at Brit. Mus. and that scarcely any of them were named right. She asserted that she had access to the the types and must have been right. It was only an exceptional plant of Jones' that was named correctly and the finding of one such made a strong impression on her. I am much suprised at this wholesale arraignment of Jones'; while I know him to be dogmatic, arbitrary, highly self-opinionated and very narrow-minded in many respects. But I felt nevertheless that he probably had --
- cont. p. 151
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