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- Chorizanthe pungens Benth. Notes on K. Brandegee's Rockspur near Monterey. Segments or teeth of invol. alt. long & short, all membranous-margined. Calyx white, its lobes broadly oblong, equal, erosulate at the summit, a few hairs on back of lobe. Stamens 9, inserted at base. Flower 1, definitely but shortly pedicelled. Involucre 6-costate, the alternate ribs smaller, corrugated between the ribs, also sparingly hairy. [See image for drawing] involucre: C. pungens.
- C. cuspidata Wats. Notes on Davy 1172, S.F. This is good cuspidata. Its calyx is like that of pungens above. Its
July 1913

involucre is also like the pungens spm. noted save not so hairy and no membranous margin to the involucre.
C. pungens. Notes based on Surf K. Brandegee Same as pungens noted above but invol. a trifle shorter. In same head I find invols. with and without scarious margins to the teeth!

C. pungens. Notes on Chandler, Pac. Grove, _334. Same as Brandegee's Rockspur! Some invols. with and some without scarious margin to achene, even in same head.

C. douglassii. A sheet collected by Parry & so labeled in his hand, prob. from Santa Cruz, is exactly like Rockspur spms. above noted in its invols. & in every other way that I can see that is of any
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