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occurs to Greene that his valuable work would not be and could not be of the slightest value to the ordinary person. The Leaflets couldn't be sold, if in the hands of an ordinary thief, for 5 cents.
- Dudley, W.R. A.A. Lawson says Dudley's position at Stanford in botany was that of an instructor having the title of full professor. He had no power, had miserable attic quarters where he broke his head getting into them, and came to Stanford under false misrepresentations. Dudley gave up his position at Cornell because he supposed he was to Dept. head at Stanford.
- Lawson, A.A. Is here on his way to be Prof. Bot. at Univ. Sydney, N.S.W. He does not seem to me to have grown in general
9 January 1913.
mental stature as I expected. He speaks of most commonplace things in a most impressive manner, pausing, throwing his head back and looking at you with great seriousness as tho' he had uttered an original and profund statement -- almost enough to take your breath away. He spoke of Amarantus retroflexus_ _see p. 176. as a tumble-weed in this way, saying it was the most extraordinary device for dissemination he had ever seen! He is as careless about his toilet and clothes as ever, his finger nails being in deep mourning. However he is succeeding finely and is doubtless doing most excellent work. He gets 900 [symbol for British pound] at Sydney.
- Redwood, supply standing = 150 cars a day for 200 years. S.F. Examiner, 1/9/'13. See clipping.
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