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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Colorado Desert
- The Colorado Desert near the San Jacinto Range has a lure in its "build" not felt in the Mohave. The ranges rising so high and so steeply, the lines or clumps of small trees loculizing [?] certain places across the desert in a very luring way; they rise just sufficiently to give sense of definite localities of interest instead of one monotonous desert sameness.
- Physalis crassifolia, no. 5220. cont. from p. 64. Made no note on the spot as to its being annual or perennial, but I remember distinctly regarding it as annual. I dug up a root and preserved sections of it. It seems to me that if I had seen any evidence of a previous years growth on the root-crown I would have noted it. As I say my remembrance is distinctly that the root was annual.
8 Nov. 1912
- There is a riding station some ten miles east of Cabezon which would furnish a camp desirable for botanizing. The wash is close at hand and very fine (Chilopsis etc, now full of fruit), the base of San Jacinto only 1/2 mile away. There is a water tank with a great waste flowing (presumably artesian). The Yuccas come in shortly. The place is right under the (apparently south [?]) sheer wall of San Jacinto Mountain. [This would be near or within a mile or two of Whitewater, as I judge from the spurs and landmarks on the contour map.]
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