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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Barstow 2100 feet [June 3, 1912]
Has lived here a long time and knows when it is safe to send out its leaves._
-Wind. _We plant alfalfa seed in August or September, after the winds go down. In spring the seed is blown out of the ground. Alfalfa planted in October last has yielded one crop and we will take four more this season. This is on river bottom, where it takes hold quickly, the water 6 feet below. It will have to be renewed in about five years. On mesa it takes longer to establish, four or five years, but does not need renewal._ _Miss Waterman
Barstow 2100 feet [June 3, 1912]
Distichlis maritime. Salt grass. The irrigation water kills it out in the fields or checks but it persists along the ditches and is useful in holding the banks. I noticed that where it grew thickly along the ditches that the ditch was straight, narrow and in fine shape.

Heliotropium curassavicum
In fl. [flower] here, in saline spots.
-Climate. Winds in spring and summer. Quiet in fall. Temp. [temperature] to 104 degrees, in summer; to 6 degrees in winter; also said to go to zero. Sometimes snow.
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