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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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- Valley Oak, south of Ukiah on Hopland Road. Tree with great fine trunk 19 ft 6 in. circ. at 4 1/2 ft. But its crown is a regenerated crown almost wholly, altho it is a large crown. the top branches are mostly sub-straight. The straightish or slightly out-curving branches of the vase-type do not hold the straightness entirely through life. By the adult period these brahcnes have lost more or less of their straightness and even become tortuous through the shifting weight of the branch and its various development.
Feb. 11, 1910.
- A glorious day at Ukiah. The mountains rising purple in the clear sunlight. There is nothing like chaparral to give the mountains their soft delightful hues.
Off to the northwest rises the long outline of the Sanhedrin covered with snow. And in a notch of the mountains to right of the Sanhedrin is the satisfying bulk of Hull Mt. - sharply defined, for it is covered with snow. The last big mt. of the Mayacamas range north of the Terraces is Cow Mt., the last, before the range breaks down to the Blue Lakes - Ukiah gap.
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