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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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A Day's Botanizing in Mill Creek, Ukiah.
- This is now the worst season of the year as to unattractiveness of the country. It has less pleasing dress. People say in suprise: Going botanizing now! What is there to botanize now?
Let us see. We went out from Ukiah towards Mill Creek. I noticed first that the architecture of the Valley Oaks was much more striking than when they are in full dress in summer and much more easily studied. The foliage conceals
February 11, 1910
or diverts one's attention from the records of the history of the crown and its vicissitudes. Nor does one notice in summer the extent to which this species in infested by the miseltoe. - Umbellularia californica, one tree dark green and with drooping branchlets, another near it with light green crown and erect branchlets
- Quercus wislizenii, the round-crowned trees looking some of them like doll's trees - Pole and vase types Valley Oak, see 2 pp. back. - The Alder in bloom! - And many other points noted in the following pages.
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