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when a fire really gets started there nothing can stop it. Its impossible. It digs down into the ground and injures the trees more than a surface fire which runs over the ground every year and doesnt injure the big trees at all. Firing shoud be under control of course. Give the head rangers enough men and let them burn in them fall and spring. There are certin times of year when fires wont work out of the forest. Furthermore burning over of brush land (chaparral) is good because burned brush is usually followed by grass and trees.
This is the first time
August 26, 1910.
Jimmie has seen a city. He is amazed and utterly unprepared to find S. F. so filthy! This is natural since he comes from the forest! He is also amazed and annoyed at the continuous noise! After the peace and silence of the forest!
I do not know how he will stand the temptations of this place but he has determination. He told Nealon (a famous packer to the gold mines) that he would not go on the pack train as [well]-boy unless he would promise not to make him drink any whiskey! It would be better if Jimmie were to go to college to a small college where there
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