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- Dr. Ki-ichi Miyake, Lecturer in Botany in the Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan, called today. I showed him the laboratories in botany and the botanical garden. He was interested in our specimen of the Big Tree near the Conservatory. At a little distance it looked to him like Cryptomeria japonica and only when he drew near and examined the foliage did it show to be Big Tree. He says Cryptomeria japonica does not stump-sprout, a fact on which I had never before had a difinite
August 12, 1910.
statement. It is one of their forest trees in their planted forests and most of their forests are planted. This and one other species (I have forgotten) make up most of the forest.
Dr. Miyaki is a very pleasant and agreeable gentleman. Was at Cornell under Attkinson. Like all Orientals or indeed all foreigners he makes on ashamed of one's manners. The salaam he made when I presented a copy of my "Trees of California" to him was quite remarkable. It was in itself worth giving the book.
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