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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Scott Valley, July 16, 1897.

were as follows:
Height = 125 ft. Measured by Hunt.
Trunk = 45 ft. high, before branching
Circ. of trunk = 11 ft. at 5 ft. from ground
- Oregon Ash (F. Oregana)
Height = 90 ft.
Circ. = 8.4 ft at 5 ft.
- Laurel (U. Californica)
Height = 50 to 60 ft.
Circ = 6.4 ft at 5 ft.
All of these trees were in Scott Valley. The oak must have been crowded when young to attain such a height and to possess such a splendid straight clean trunk.
- [Redwoods near Willets -- within about 2 mi. Willets -- 14 mi from Lernki [?]. This information from a man on prong [?] Scotts Valley Creek.
Cold Creek, Potter Valley, Compton's, July 17.

- Quercus lobata in Potter Valley near Hawn's Ranch -- 23 ft. 7 in. circ. at 5 1/2 ft. from ground.
- Ceanothus foliosus, between Compton's & Sanhedrin.
- Buckeye, manner of folding leaflets as protection against sun -- conduplication -- in Sanhedrin, grade to Eden Valley.
- Pinus Sabiniana, scarcely any shadow cast by its foliage.
Abundant after leaving valley
-Pinus ponderosa after leaving Cold Creek.
-Pseudotsuga Douglasii after leaving valley.
- Quercus Douglassii, lobata (one big one 23 ft. 5 in at 5 ft.; Wislizenii.
- Fraxinus Oregana, along stream, 15 to 25 ft. high.
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