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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Cambridge, Mass, 1896

- Sept. 4. New York.
- Sept. 5. Boston
- Sept 7. Cambridge. Worked at the Gray Herbarium steadily. Robinson was very kind. So too Greenman (See Jepson Corresp. vol. 30: p. 223,--1931). and Fernald. Was entertained by Farlow, the Thaxters, Goodale, Deane, etc. Had a great time every way. Rose worked here for a time during my stay.
- Dec. 22. Boston to New Haven. Met Setchell's Family and also W.H. Brewer whom I found very interesting. He took me to dinner. Went on to New York and
- Dec. 25. Washington. Where I met Chesnut and Palmer, Greene, Coville, Merriam, Ward, etc.
- Dec. 31. Louisville, Glasgow, Ky.
Tucson, Jan. 1897.

Stopped at Glasgow with Dr. Jesse Jepson, my father's cousin.
- Jan. 3. Frankfort, Ky. Rode out west to the settlement of Jepsons. This country was once all prairie. It looks now like a primitive forest. The Indians regularly burned it off. and kept it prairie. With the coming of the white man the fires stopped.
Jan. 5. New Orleans. After a day here went on to Tucson where Tuomey met me. Had seen him at Berkeley in 1895. He called on us in August of that year. He is a tall well-built fine-looking fellow. Brown eyes, dark almost black hair and exceedingly pleasant manner. Received me

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