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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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- Cronkhite, Dr. H.M., U.S.A. Geological Survey of
California, 1864. Coll. - - - - in Klamath Valley, S. Oregon. Alt. 4200 ft. The above printed on label in Gray Herb. - sheet of Gayophytum diffusum.
- E. L. Greene was in the "Rio Cienega, A. T., March,
1877." Label on Eulobus Californicus, Gray Hb.
- Wossemsensky, S[?]ee Frederic Luke, Voyage atour du Monde. St. Petersburg, 1836.
- Lembert, J. B. Sent spcns. from Yosemite Valley in
1893 to Professor Greene. Labeled as Yosemite, when in reality from far above, in some cases at least, as Ivesia Muirii, Mt. Conness, Aug. 1893.
- What is the Ironwood of Santa Catalina_? And

_ Lyonothamnus floribundus.
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