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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Trips in the Vaca Mts. in 1890, 1891, 1892.

- May 17, 1892. Pine Peak Summit. cf. label of Plagiobothrys nothofulvus no. 21,153.
- Mar. 11, 1890._ Signal Sta via ? Walker Canon. cf. Plagiobothrys nothofulvus, no. 21, 150.
- Mar. 11, 1891. Head of Walker Canon, a mile or so south of Pine Peak. This is the notation on my scratch label of Mimulus douglasii and I believe it to be correct as to year date and no doubt at all about month and day. I marked the year "1890" on my finished label but this was plainly a slip. My calendar book shows no collecting to speak of for spring of 1890. It was an incredibly wet year -- a wet winter -- and very difficult to get anywhere, and I was closely occupied at Little Oak. But see p. 138.

_ The scratch label reads "1890" but it must have been 1891. It is pretty certain I did not go into the Vaca Mts. at all in spring of 1890.
July, 1898, Bear Valley, Nevada Co.

- Ranunculus flammula var. intermedius Hook.
- R. orthorhyncus Hook
- Spiranthes romanzoviana Cham. July 21.

- Quercus Kelloggii -- near Dutch Hill or below I noticed a hillside of fire-killed young Pinus ponderosa but the fire that ran through had not killed a Kellogg Oak. Is this oak resistant to fire more than other broad-leaf trees?
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