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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Cypress Point to

Monterey Cypress
Small individuals.
- I did not find any very small individuals comparable to those of the Mendocino coast. The country between Pebble Beach and the country east of the northerly cypresses needs to be searched. That is pine barren country back from the shore. The smallest trees were as follows: --
at Cypress Point, back of shore line under large trees, 3 to 5 feet high and spreading widely. In some cases with the ascending axis
Pacific Grove, Mar. 6, '08

dead and the living lower branches flat on the ground. A few cones. Not narrow crowned as in Mendocino pine barrens type, and not fruiting abundantly like that.
A small tree 6 ft. high, 1 inch diameter at base, noticed at Point Lobos was dead. Overshaded. Bore cones at 4 ft. above ground, a few on leeward side.
- Bishop Pine, No. 2986. Three whorls of cones common on the young trees. Cones in a whorl 6, 7 or even 8!
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