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Klamath River [July 8, 1907.]
-In camp on sand-beach of Klamath River.

The Klamath here is an imposing stream 250 yards wide. It does not look that to the untrained eye, but it does when one surveys its flood, studies its power, the sweep of its current, the mighty powers of the waters of its eddies sweeping steadily and irresistibly, yet without hurry, into place and on, like the steady march of battalions. People, civilized, do not appreciate rivers. They cross them in Pullman coaches over steel bridges. How were we to cross this? No bridge, not even a ferry? Absolutely no place by which it can be forded. A "ford" means a place where canoes carry the traveler across and animals may swim
[Klamath River] July 8, 1907.

with safety. An Indian managed the canoe. Some of the mules sensed danger and were persuaded into the water with difficulty. The smaller mules swam the current well, but one big mule fought to get back to land, his eyes aflame with fear, desperately for land and his life as he believed. The Indian pulled frantically at the oars but the current and the mule were too much for him and the mule regained the bank. It was then necessary, for the second trial to take the animal higher up stream and plunge him off at once into deep water. Headed for the middle of the stream, the Indian pulling on his oars, they were caught by the current and carried down some distance in making their way to the other side. The same fight happened with the bull-horse. This horse fought so hard
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