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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Fire-hole River, Yellowstone
No. 2539. Potamogeton. In 2 ft. water or less, Firehole River, Biscuit Basin.
No. 2540. Same as preceding (?) in same spot.
No. 2541. Cichoriaceous. Geyserite gravel area near Old Faithful Inn.
The most active geysers are in the Upper Geyser Basin. Old Faithful plays every 65 minutes its 70 ft. column of water and steam lasting for 5 minutes, a truly splendid sight. Some of the largest geysers play at irregular intervals and we have not seen them. Saw Riverside Geyser play today. Also Grotto
July 24, 1906.
Geyser. There are any number of splendid hot pools with extraordinary coloring in their bowl-like depths; many of these are of the "morning-glory pool" order. The built-up craters about the mouths of the spouting or extinct geysers are interestng. Even the broad pools have a rim around, of the coral-like order or [cloud]-like rim. There is a broad hot spring right on the edge of the river rimmed about and boiling furiously. The river has fish. One can catch trout and without changing a foot cook them.
Tonight the bears are around camp looking for garbage; they
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