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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Hook of Holland to London
good to see again, from the boat the shore line of England and from the car windows the wooded hills, country lanes, churches and villages. Arrived at Liverpool Station, London, at 8:30. Put my "bags" in charge of Carter Paterson & Co. who carried them to Kew for 1 sh. [shilling] The same service in the United States would have cost 4 or 5 sh. Drew some money at Parr's Bank and then took the "tupenny tube" for Shepherd's Bush and Kew.
Bought in Kew four seedless oranges, good fruits for 3d. The same fruit costs
May 14, 1906.
Berkeley 6 or 7 d. That which I bought here is equal, not to the best quality of S. Calif. grown, but the best quality of our fruit which reaches a California market.
Went on a walk in Kew Gardens with Dr. Henry. He says the Alpine Larch (Larix Europaea) is far and away the best timber tree in Europe. Confined to a small area naturally, the Alps and Carpathians, it has been planted all over Europe with great success. It does nicely in England. It has an astonishingly short rotation, 40 years, and made fine returns until a fungus, Peziza,
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