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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Berkeley, Jan, 1907

--Hartweg. Cf. Lemmon. Rep. Cal. Board For. iii, 154 (1900)


--Eastwood, Alice. Has been working in our herbarium more or less since August, 1906. More cocksure and unscientific than ever. She brought in her manzanitas. Before Mrs. Brandegee she said: "Any one who says these two species of mine are not distinct is a fool".
Said Mrs. B. quietly:
"No one would say that they are not distinct but they have booth been described before"!

Hall is in charge of the herbarium. She complains to everyone but Hall (says Hall) of the way things are done, arrangements, etc. Characteristic.--Feb. 18

"What is that mountain? I don't know. It isn't in our county."
Judge Bennett, Santa Rosa

--Happy is the home that shelters a friend.---Emerson
Travelling Acquaintances
- Dr. Frederick Wilms. Roy. Bot. Mus. [Royal Botanical Museum] (busy arr. Scheffer's plants)
- Frau Dr. B. Schwarz, Schoneberg, Berlin, Bahnstr, 10.
- Mr. John R. Copland with Swift Copland & Co. Montreal.
- Alex H. Nelson with Alex Nelson & Co. Manufacturing Furriers and [D at] Importers, Montreal. 380 West St. Catherine st.
- Dr. Stevenson, 145 Block East Toronto.
- Miss Margaret Blair, Ottawa, Canada.
- Gridley Colony "Land of Big Oaks"
- The Pacific Monthly, Portland, Ore.
- Central California Facts, 4 cts. Chamber of Commerce, Stockton
- E.C .Williams, President Mendocino Lumber co. 40 Calif. st. S.F. [San Francisco]
- McCloud River Lumber Co, J.H. Queal, Pres. [president] capacity 100 Mill. ft. annually
5th & Brannan S.F. [San Francisco]
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