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for guide rails for the cages. White Fir is a poor timber in comparison. It is not strong and rots quickly under water. Yellow Pine is a better timber than it is and Douglas Fir is still a better timber.
- H. N. Bolander.
Remarks on Calif. [California] Trees, Proc. Cal. Acad. [Proceedings California Academy], Ser. 1, vol. 3, p. 225.
Pines of California, l.c. p. 318.
- Dudley, W.R. of Stanford is now in Egypt.
- Coulter, cf. Bot. Gaz. [Botanical Gazette] 20, 519(1895)
- Boursier, Californian collector. See Sargent, Silva, X, 119 where trace may taken up.
January 24, 1907.
- Mr. B. Goldsmith, ex. Bot-4 [M].C. 1905, has been with the Forest Service since last May making estimates for Government Timber Sales [Southern] Sierra Nevada. He says there is Digger Pine between Millwood and the Valley Floor in the Foothills and again at White River. He called today.
- M. Boursiere and M. Riviere, French (botanical) travelers in Calif. cf. Gordon, Pinetum, 165.
- Quercus dumosa. M.S. Baker says has very small balls (galls). The quail eat these whole for the sake of the contained grub - balls about as big as good-size peas.
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