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Miss Mary E.B. Norton came in today. She is an old lady now, has a nice face, features rather prominent and strong, brown eyes, soft gray hair, and pleasant smile. She is interested in the Pacific Grove Museum Association which has been founded at Monterey to develop popular interest in natural history. Prof. heath of Stanford has taken great interest in it. She left with me two circulars of the Association. In one of these the writer speaks of Dr. Hiss, Director (!) of the Botanic Garden at Amsterdam! Our old friend Henri Hus must have made quite an impression.
Vacaville, Nov. 29-Dec 1, 1906

--The North wind is blowing a high gale, as heavy as it ever blows. We have had more northe wind in Sept. Oct. Nov. this year than ever before to my memory.

-- Mrs. Speirs tells me that the fruit of the wild plum (Prunus subcordata) was gathered in great quantities in early days by the squaws who brought sacks-full around to the whites to barter for old clothing and trinkets. These wild plums made a splendid jelly. They were first thrown into boiling hot water to do away with the bitterness residing in the skin. (This was in 1858 about.) = in Siskiyou I think

--Berkeley, Dec 2
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