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Pt. Reyes, Inverness, Olema
Marin Co.
No. 2622. Pinus muricata D. Don Bishop Pine.
Lateral branch, two whorls of cones (which are not uncommon on lateral branches). Three whorls not uncommon on terminal axis. I find one with five whorls. (This tree was 18 ft. h. and about thirteen or fourteen years old). The fifth whorl had cones a little bluer (i.e. younger) than those of the lower whorl which had turned brown. The whorls were pretty regularly space and fairly complete. I think the second whorl had only 1 or 2 cones. Cones of all whorls practically the same size. All this no. = one tree.
No. 2623. Chinquapin. Pt. Reyes Road beyond Inverness. 3 to 10 ft. high. bushy. Castanopsis chrysophylla
Nov. 11 - 12, 1906.
- One of Mrs. Hamilton's ranches opposite Pt. Reyes station is occupied by a tenant of the name of Brooks. He says a number of trees were broken off by the earthquake in the canyon above him. He also spoke of a very considerable slide into the canyon from both sides, covering the trees. This was well up. As he says the damage is greater in the next canyon we went on to a canyon at the mouth of which an Italian lives, in the direction of Inverness. There is a little flat or hayfield that you come to first, the house being on the other side. All the way up this canyon there was a considerable ammount of down timber, alders (A. [Alnus] oregana), tan oak
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