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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Berkeley, Aug 1906

Dry-land Shrubs.
-Hakea pugioniformis - leaves terete
-Acacia armata. Kangaroo thorn.
-Colletia horrida (Rhamnaceae)
-Acacia (juncifolia?)
-Acacia (lineata?)

-James Ford Rhodes, LLD. Mass. Hist. Soc. in his "History of the U.S. says: "No large policy in our country has been so conspicuous a failure as that of forcing universal negro suffrage upon the South."

How can you tell a man from Chicago?
You can't tell him anything.
Berkeley to Monterey, Sept 12, 1906
- Mr. Daniel Rowan, critic, traveler and genial companion goes with us to the Santa Lucias. His apt stories apropos of road incidents
-"It was an Englishman who said: A goose is the meanest bird God ever made. Too much for one man and not enough for two!"
- The tolerant charlatan to his victim to whom he as imparted for aprice the secret of killing fleas: "You can catch your flea, press him on the back, he opens his mouth and you drop into his mouth a grain of this sure-death flea-powder!" Shucks (or Hell!), said the victim. I'd could kill him with my finger before that! Replied the Charlatain serenely, That's a good way too!
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