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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Ashland Butte, Ore.
4650 ft. Ashland Butte.
No. 2576. Compositae. Openly wooded canon sides.
No. 2577. Chelone nemorosa Dougl. Elevation 4300 ft.
NO. 2578. Fls. pink, in shade white or nearly so. Alt. = 3500 ft. Pedicularis racemosa Dougl.
No. 2579. Polygonum spergulariaeforme Meisn. Alt. about 3000 ft.
No. 2580. Clintonia uniflora Kunth. Fls. white. Deep ca_ons. Alt. 3000 to 5000 ft.
No. 2581. Rosa pisocarpa Gray. 2500 ft. alt.
Mr. Carter is a Yale Forest School man. He feels a great affection for W. H. Brewer whom the studnts call the "Old Man."
August 2, 1906.
Brewer is now Emeritus Professor. Brewer occasionally talks to Forest School students. "It was my fate never to have a valuable useful tree named after me. Relics of an antediluvian age like Picea Breweriana or scrub oaks like Quercus Breweri."
Toumey delights in 1 or 2 jokes says Carter. After spending some hours out on the snow identifying trees by their winter branchlets Toumey runs some man who hasn't been paying attention up against a common apple tree. After the student blunders a guess, Toumey says: Why that is a common apple tree. Haw, haw, haw. Also "You can recognize the Dogwood by its bark."
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