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Cave, Italy

Our Jehu cracked his whip and shouted to clear the way. We were objects of interest to a thousand peasant eyes. The shops were open and each man was carrying on his trade in view of the street.
It is a glorious Italian day, blue skies, the blue Mediterranean, the snow-covered mountains bordering the Gulf of Salerno, the lemons and orange trees on the hills facing the sea -- the Gulf of Salerno, blue as the bluest water, shimmering in the sunlight that floods all this wonderful world. This is one of the most remarkable days of my life. Driving all
Feb. 17, 1906.

day, following the stone road cut out of the sea cliffs, coming down into high-walled narrow streets of the villages and towns, filled with a strange population, carrying on their business and plying their trades in the open doors of their houses; farmers with burdened donkeys of produce going to market as in biblical times, women with huge burdens on their heads, fisher folk, men walking barefoot up the stony road and carrying their sunday olives on their back; towns climbing steeply up against the hills, the most charming one being Positans [?]; lemons and sometimes orange trees filled
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