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Kew Herbarium

= Baker, J.G., is quaintly humorous. He spoke of Wallace's statement in his autobiography that his interest in science dated from first learning with great suprise when about 16 yrs old that plants had names, as curiously interesting. Baker's own interest in plants began early but was not encouraged by his relatives. They regarded it as foolishiness, nonsense, a peculiar bent. That is they looked upon it as being with the boy quite individual! When they discovered that other people devoted themselves to Botany they were quite staggered!
I may add that my own real interest in plants began with
Nov. 20, 1905.

the discovery that all the "wild plants" about my home in the Sacramento Valley had scientific names. This was like opening a new world to me in the possibilities it held out. It absorbed all my thoughts and interests immediately and my imagination was given free rein. This happened at a little private country high school with a big name, the California Normal and Scientific School, but with a good inspiring teacher, W.G. Stevens, a born teacher for he could teach anything interestingly.
- Fremont. His numbers of Calif. Coll. run to 479 (1846 year).
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