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Jepson Field Book Transcriptions · Jepson Herbarium

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Godetia : Eschscholtzia

Godetia, time of opening and anthesis duration of fls. Can single-stemmed forms be readily forced to branch in cultivation? Variations in pubescence under cultivation. Seedlings of Amoena. How early in day do they come into flower? Possibility of crossing Amoena and Clarkia elegans? Variation in length of style? Godetia quadrivulnera -- calyx united and turned to one side or distinct sepals? Is this ever a matter of age? Are the early fls. with united and later with distinct sepals? Test collapsing of ribs drying with and without pressure. Try periodic watering of cult. plants, watering near end of natural season and compare with dry-soil plants. No. of rows of seeds in cells?

Eschscholtzia, duration of fls. of rhombipetala? Do all species flower the first year? Are there any strictly biennial species?
Cont. from bottom prev. p.
Ceanothus thrysiflora, Rhamnus Californica, Velezia latifolia, Eriogonum arachnoideum, Hendecandra procumbens, Lupinus Chamissonis, -- then follow notes on peruvian plants and others. The Calif. descrip. end p. 289.
penitus, inward, interior, classically used of a country, as a
remote country.
disjunctus, severed.
remotus, used like penitus classic. but with botanists as to
distant parts of organs in arrangement.
ingratus, displeasing.
- Coulter, Dr. cf. Royal Geog. Jour. for 1841. (vol. 11, p. 215-249.)
- Cont. from p. 75. How I could have put Penzig down as an Italian when he was a German I cannot now tell. Sir Thomas Hanbury had recommended me to him.
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