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Kew, Surrey.
Professor and Mrs. L. J. Richardson of the Univeristy of California have just written me announcing the birth of a daughter.

I shall write my welcome to wee Mistress Richardson thus:-
My dear Miss Richardson:-
Having just heard of your arrival I hasten to give you a right hearty welcome and express the sincere wish that you like our California. There are sour-faced pessimists who will tell you that this is a world of sorrow. Right there you must say "Fudge!" There are weeping mortals who will also tell you that it is a vale of tears. Right there again you must say "Fudge!"!
Dec. 9, 1905.
For it is a fine old world! It is a brave old world! Aye, it is a beautiful world and California the most beautiful part of it! The taste and judgement which you have shown in the selection of it pleases me, a Californian, and augurs well for your future.
Your judgement and discretion in the selection of your parents convinces me, too, that you are all right. They will think I mean to say something nice of them. I merely mean this, that you will undoubtedly be able to manage them and bring them up in the way the should go. You cannor begin to train parents too early. After the
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