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Linnaean Society
- Was the guest of Mr. Baker last night at the Linnaean Society's first meeting this fall in Burlington House, Piccadilly. The Rev'd Geo Henslow spoke on ecology, showing a large number of exhibits illustrating adaptation of land forms to water, etc desert adaptations, etc, the key-note of his speech being that adaptation is the whole force in the vegetable world. He used adaptation as opposed to natural selection which he abjured utterly. He was exceedingly sweeping in his statements. Much to my astonishment the Fellows did not, in the arguments which followed, attack vital points in his paper save one man who pointed out that there is individual or physiological adaptation, and general or specific adaptation. Henslow dodged this man's attach in the main by saying he did
Nov. 2, 1905.
not quite understand him. He (Henslow) said 5 or 6 years was necessary for the fixation of a new form! He said nothing about the use or value of the modified organs in water or desert plants but implied that they were useful. The attacks made on his paper were for the most part astonishing. One man rose and commented on Henslows great fluency and wealth of illustration and said that Mr. Henslow had by this power made things look purple but that another man of equal ability might show us another glass and make them look green. It was saying in effect : I know you a a specious reasoner by I can't prove it! Others were equally discourteous - and yet scarcely a scientific argument or attac! - Dr. Scott raised a good point or so but I must say that I never
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